Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Red, White, and Blue afghan

I am just getting started on this afghan but I can help from sharing it.   I don't know that I have ever completed a pattern quite this tough....and now that I've decided to make it into an afghan...I only have 15 more blocks to make.  The flower block is a pattern that has to be paid for at ( for $1.99

I was gonna use this pattern for the entire afghan but after realizing the difficulty, I added a sunburst square which can be found here:

I think this is going to turn out to be a beautiful blanket.... I' have so  don't you forget DON'T JUST PIN IT!

Tissue Season

Well, cold season is upon us, and with kids, we always need to have those tissues handy.  This is a clever little pattern to add a little more pizzazz to you tissue package.  This was a quick project.  I used size 3 thread on it and will probably use the size 10 next time.  Was a super easy project!!!!

DON'T JUST PIN that next project.


I just loved the look of this little tote when I found it.  I had the perfect (non-pilling) yarn that would work.  It was a fairly simple pattern and worked up very quickly.  I used a dark brown and used some tan to add a little contrast tot he bag.  I also took a few of the dc, ch1 rows out in hope of making it less stretchy springy. You can find the pattern here:

I am so glad that I tried this pattern out.   Next time you see something you like, DON'T JUST PIN IT!!

Ping Pong Chores

I wasn't so sure how this idea would work with my kids, but I must say I am pretty impressed. This pin is found on the "Better Homes and Gardens" website (

Total cost for this was about $5.00 (the cost of an 18 pack of ping pong balls at Target).  I took a marker and wrote toy groups down that the boys could pick up.  Since they are so young, they tend to pour all of the toys out all over the room.  The first time I tried the my oldest (the more difficult child) would not do much to help while the younger two flew through the chores.  The few times since then that we have used the ping pong balls, the oldest child has been more app to help.  The good thing for us is that since our boys are so young and cannot read yet, we can "adapt" the balls as we need.  It's a must that I give this idea TWO THUMBS UP!

You never know what might tickle your fancy until you try it, so remember, DON'T JUST PIN IT!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Curly Q Scarf - Crocheted

Well, folks today I turned the big THREE-FIVE.   LoL!  I spent the morning shopping and found this beautiful yarn.  The pattern on the package looked simple enough until I got home and realize it was meant for knitting....and I only know how to crochet.

I spent some time on Pintrest and Ravelry and found a simple pattern that I tried out.  As you use Ravelry, you can rename patterns to suit your needs and I am calling this one Curly Q Scarf.  The yarn I used is Red Heart's Boutique Sashay.  One skein is 30 yards and I only used 10 yards for my scarf.  The skein cost just under $5.00 at Wal-Mart so one scarf costs less than $2.00 to make.  My first scarf took just over an hour but I had never used a "yarn" like this before.   It's finished length is right about 5 ft (60").  I liked how quickly this worked up and these will be excellent gifts for my ladies group!!!!

The original link from the pin can be found at Ravelry (

Regardless of if it is a DIY project, recipe, or craft project, remember....DON'T JUST PIN IT!