Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Welcome to "Don't Just PIN It".  My name is Carrie!   I am a mom of three boys (currently 3 1/2 years old, just turned 5, and 6 in December) and life as I know it is nothing but CHAOTIC!  I had seen many of my friends using PINTREST for a while now, but until a little over a week ago, I hadn't joined in.  Now that I have I am SO HOOKED.  I try not to pin anything that I don't have a lot of interest in.  I am trying to keep my "boards" from getting to clogged.  Some of my friends told me that many of the things they post are just things they wanna read later.  Not me!  I am putting the ideas I pinned into place!  Now, don't get to excited....I have no where NEAR the time nor resources to put everything I pin into place the same day I pin it.  But I am trying/experimenting/making something new every few days.  That is why you have found me.  This blog is about my attempts, successes, and failures of not just pinning it....but doing it.

If your a Pintrest member, I would suggest that a least once a put one of your Pin's to the test.....Don't Just PIN It!

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