Sunday, September 23, 2012

Phillipians 2:14 Money Jars

Although I never actually visited the site (all the details I needed was in the info below the pin), the originating website for this can be found at

Not including the money we will start out with in these Jars, I spent NOTHING on this project and actually recycled some cups I had been thinking of tossing or donating. I put each child's name on a Chucky Cheese's Cup and on the fourth I put the verse Philippians 2:14 "Do everything without complaining or arguing". (If scripture isn't your thing, you can just put the words on there and not the verse.)  In the picture you can't hardly even see the quarters I've put in.  There is only about $1.50 in each cup but I will add more tomorrow when I make it to the store to get the quarters.  The boys love Chucky Cheese's and this will get them to save for a trip to eat and play.

How it works.....
Each child starts off with a set amount in his cup.  If he is caught complaining or arguing (and in my kids' case, hitting also) then they loose money.  My plan is to take it from their cup and add it to the fourth cup.  Then I will just reuse those quarters the next week.  I am planning on using $5.00.  At the end of the week I will just add the next $5.00 on top of what is still in there and in 3 or 4 weeks, we will have a family date at Chucky Cheese's.  We also have zoo cups, so maybe next time I will use them and they can spend the money they earn in the gift store. (We have a zoo membership so getting in is free.)  I'll update you on how this works out!!!   Remember Don't Just Pin It!!!!

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